Tips: Financially Surviving COVID-19

I am a freelance choreographer, and I am financially surviving right now!

In my “real life” job I work primarily in the cruise line industry, teaching, directing, and choreographing entertainment for the onboard experience. I love my “real life.” However, (you may have heard) the cruise line industry is suspended. Yep…whole industry upended while we all struggle to figure out what’s next. I mean, What’s a gal to do for financial survival these days?

I am back in the small town of Tallahassee, FL, waiting, and while I’m waiting, bills…are…due. Where do I turn to make money?

Hello, Gig Economy!

Back in the day, I was a hustler. When I first moved to Atlanta, GA, fresh out of college with dreams and debt, survival mode kicked in. I auditioned, I applied for work, I showed up to every free event I possibly could to meet people and be seen in ATL’s dance scene. I had bills to pay and was determined to make every payment.

Fast forward to (a-hem) years later and the WORLD is facing a pandemic. I still have bills to pay, which thanks to grad school, includes student loans. I also now have a mortgage and credit card debt. However, I am just as determined to pay these bills as I was back in 2003. I have always believed in dancers ability to maintain financial health and that means surviving financially even now!

So, it’s time to crank up the old, inner hustler and make some money flow!

First: Online Dance Classes

Friends of mine pulled together a great collective of dance educators and created the site: Homebod.Fit.

Through this collective, I am teaching:

Before-Your-Latte Pilates at 6:00 am, Tuesdays and Thursdays

Musical Theater Jazz at 12:30 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays

Beginner Showgirl at 5:00 pm, Wednesdays

These classes are helping to keep me motivated, moving, and choreographing. I get to see friends and make a nominal amount from those who can afford to pay.

Want to take class with me? Register at and I’ll see you in a Zoom class soon!

For more about me as a dance educator, please check out this page:

Second: Quality Time Trivia

A friend of mine started this company and runs Zoom trivia from his house. I am the “Hostess with the Mostest”! I create fun trivia games, visit with friends and family, and meet new people!

As I build my trivia empire, I love open games BUT I get paid more for creating private games. I curate the game to the audience and feel really privileged to be invited, and paid, to help others find entertainment during these difficult days.

The Biggest reason I love this gig? I can continue this AFTER the pandemic. It’s great money and tons of fun!

Wanna play trivia with me? Open games are:

Manic Mondays, 7:00 – 9:00pm EST

Friday Nights, 9:00 – 11:00pm EST

Email me: ( and I’ll send you more details!

Third: Instacart

That’s right! Shopper Extraordinaire here! Mask on, gloves at hand, and I’m off to bag and tag some groceries for delivery to local Tallahasseans.

This isn’t the easiest gig, but it’s easy enough to get started through the app. By people like me being available to shop for others, more people can stay home and help flatten the line.

Fourth: Social Media Management for Nonprofits

As part of my dedication to serve others, I am volunteering in my area. When I realized the organization I was a volunteer for could really use some help online, we started discussing a game plan. They came up with a small amount of money so that I could focus my energy on their digital marketing plan. I am thrilled for the chance to spread great information about an organization helping so many through this difficult time.

Please check out Good News Outreach, @GNOTallahassee on Instagram, to see all the incredible work they are doing.

Need help with your social media? I am happy to collaborate.

Looking for an expert? Try my friend Kassie Meiler and her “Greatest of All Time” social media management company. You’ll find her at:

Here are my hustler tips for ways to financially survive this pandemic. Not everyone can do what I’m doing, and if you’re struggling for ideas on what works best for you, I bet I can help you out.

Until the next Tip, Tilt, or Bevel in the Life of a Working Dancer, wash your hands, spread joy only, and find ways to stay healthy and active!


Ms. Mary Roberts

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